Some styles in markdown

Cool stuff that you can do easily

Posted by rgalindor on August 02, 2021 · 3 mins read

Writing beautiful (at least to the sight)

Create web content was a serious challenge 10 years ago. Now you only need some knowledge of github, a few hours of Jekyll configuration, and that is it! Of course, you also need to use markdown, but it is pretty easy.


This language is what engineers use to document their code. When coding you do not have time to create very pretty documentation, you can not waste time beautiflying a manual, but you also can not distribute your manuals in plain text (not now). So markdown has been developed to do that type of work, simplifying how to write a cool manual with just a few text enrichment rules.

In markdown you can create simple text, italic text, bold text, and even italic-bold text, you just need to remember.

  • Use _italic text_ to create italic
  • Use **bold text** to create bold
    • You can combine italic and bold **_italic-bold text_** to create italic-bold

Also, you just see how to create a list using - in the code.

Speaking of code, I just used “`” to create words intended to mean code words, but you can even create whole blocks of code in this way:

ls -lh /path/to/folder

So reviewing stuff that we can create is very easy:

  1. You can use different types of font styles
  2. You can write code
  3. You could list things with - at the beginning (or with 1. to have an ordered list).

Cool things to implement very easy

So, having text is very important, however, there are other types of structures that can communicate more effective messages that are usually complex. For example, you can make a link very easy: [words displayed](url). And if such pointed resource is an image:

alt text

Another common structure that can be implemented very easy are tables:

| Header | Column |
| item 1 | item 2 |
| item 3 | item 4 |

results in

Header Column
item 1 item 2
item 3 item 4


So, with all the structures you can implement on markdown you can create any type of content. However, if you connect your code (using kramdown from jekyll) to platforms such as github-pages. You can even use \(LaTeX\) code to create some equations:


Maybe you are a fan of emojis. Good news, there is a plugin jemoji that you can use to :smiley:

And finally, you could combine all these structures to have a very interesting way to communicate all the things that plain text can not.

Mathjax Emojis Code
\(E=mc^{2}\) :sunglasses: R
\(\frac{\lambda_{i}}{\alpha^{\sqrt{n}}}\) :alien: perl

Setting up things here could be easier.

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